
Sunday, May 2, 2010

In honor of Mother’s Day,

It’s time for another GIVEAWAY!


Tianna (beautiful mama above) is a friend of mine, and she is also a licensed massage therapist. She is offering a free 30min massage to the winner as well! So put your thinking caps on ladies and get me your answers!

So, the winner receives the following:

-Free Photo Session
-Free 8x10 canvas wrap
-Free 30min Massage from Tianna.

***Don't want to wait? Give Tianna a call 480-209-3908 Mom would LOVE a massage for Mother's Day (or any other day!)***


Britton & Jamie said...

The most important lesson I've learned from being a mom, is that it was all well worth the wait, and that faith and patience are very key! I've also learned that a hug and kiss from my little one can cure a bad day! :)

Anonymous said...

the most important lesson I have learned from being a mother is that my heavenly father loves me enough to entrust me with this calling of motherhood. M. Russell Ballard puts it best, "The Lord entrusts His spirit children to earthly parents who provide a mortal body for them through the miracle of physical birth and gives parents the sacred responsibilty to love, protect, teach, and bring them up in the light of truth so they may one day, through the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ, return to our Father's presence.(sorry so long :)

Anonymous said...

As a young mom I still have a lot to learn but the biggest lesson I have learned so far is Each child is special/different. Their personalities, talents, and interests are all unique and each have different needs. Without special/different spirits life would be boring and as a mom I love to get to watch their spirits grow right in front of me, and learn how to help each one become the best they can be.
Jodie Finlinson (mom of 2 awesome boys)

Teri said...

I have learned to put yourself in their shoes.. remember when you were a kid?? and all you really wanted to do was run around..climb trees?..have a piece of your moms special treat she was having?? They are just kids give them a break!!! Let them BE kids.... because growing up is so much more stressful!!!!! Have fun with them and let them have fun!! LAUGH!!!

Emily Keith said...

I have learned that kids are the greatest blessing Heavenly Father has given us! I have also learned to laugh- LOTS! I heard recently at Time Out for Women "If you can laugh at it, you can live with it". This is my motto as a mom, sometimes you feel like crying, screaming or all the above- Laugh instead.

Merry Peralta said...

The most important lesson I have learned as a parent is bigger is not always better. One of my daughter’s favorite activities is to lay on my bed and watch out my window for airplanes. We are snuggled up close together and her little face lights up when she spots a plane. We giggle and sing songs while waiting for the next plane. It does not take toys or trips or special outings to please a child. It takes time, attention and love. You have to cherish every moment (and get as much snuggling in as possible).

Anonymous said...

The most important lesson I've learned is to thank our Heavenly Father each day for blessing me with such amazing children! This earth is not forever, so each day should be spent loving, playing, tickling, laughing, snuggling , giving eskimo and butterfly kisses, eating ice cream for breakfast and pancakes for dinner at times. This life is short and the earth is not forever. To sum it up...take in every moment with them and love them with all your heart and soul and enjoy every second we have with them... and take LOTS of pictures! Jenn Sinclair, mommy of 3 :)

Jamie Skelton said...

I have learned that being a mom is the best blessing in the whole world. It is a great gift that we are given in this life and we should and need to cherish every moment of motherhood. I love every moment with my little Lexi and would never change a thing. She is my blessing and I am truely greatful for her! Jamie Skelton, Mommy of 1 beautiful little girl!! :)

Anonymous said...

Becoming a mommy was truly a life changing experience for me. And not in the obvious " my life now revolves around a giggling, crying, pooping, hungry, happy, grouchy, insomniac" kind of way. (well, ok- that too, but...) It was a deep, spiritual, lifestyle changing epiphany. I suddenly understood that "happiness" achieved from worldly pleasures, seemed like sadness when compared to the joy that this tiny little miracle brought. It became clear that my earthly life had a greater purpose than I had let myself believe. I also now had a greater understanding of the implications my current lifestyle would have on my next life. An eternal life that I could not imagine not including this little angel. It was decided. Things MUST change and change they did! It has been almost 5 years since my first little angel came to me, and I have been lucky enough to be blessed with one more. Every night I thank my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to be a Mommy, and I pray for the wisdom, intuition, strength and patience to be the mommy that these little angels deserve. I used to have a hard time believing that my Heavenly Father could still love me after all the mistakes that I made, but now that I am a Mommy, I know that there is such a thing as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- and THAT has been the most valuable lesson! Jenni Presmyk mommy of 2 amazing little people!

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