
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Me Amour

Last night, Mr. A and I were getting ready for bed, I had gotten offended for some reason or another.

(when it gets late, I get cranky, enough said.)

While laying in bed in my pouty state, I caught myself thinking,

"hmmm, how can I make him smile tomorrow?"

Literally, that was my thought!

I don't know about you, but when I get upset, that is not my first thought, or second...

(One of engagement pictures)

Anyway, right after I caught myself, Mr. A rolls over and gives me a hug and a kiss, he tells me that he loves me.

Right then I melted
(I usually do.)

I'm doing an engagement session this weekend for my good friend Mandy.
Engagement sessions are possibly my favorite sessions, because they are all about


Every time I do one, it makes me want to come home and crawl into bed with Mr. A and have a good snuggle day.

Oh, I heart those days!

A loooong time ago and old boyfriend of mine said to me

"... you're in love with the idea of love."

he wasn't happy with me and I'm sure he meant for that statement to get me upset, but it's true.

I love the idea of LOVE.

The idea of giving your heart to one person for eternity and trusting them completely. The idea of accepting and being accepted, even with every little flaw!

When Mr. A and I met, I spent a lot of time chasing after him. That is not really in my nature, I was always the girl that waited for the guy to call or make the first move.

I just knew I needed this guy in my life.

I've been tremendously blessed since that day.

The End. For now....


the love count was 6, not including <<and 1 heart.

in case you were wondering :)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

So precious! I love, love too and I love being in love and everything that comes with it!!! I had so much fun on Saturday, thanks again!!

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